Monday, April 13, 2009

The Results are in.....

I got on the scale yesterday and I have LOST 6 pounds!!! I am super exited!

After having Adysen I have had the HARDEST time losing weight! I mean super hard time. I finally went to the doctor when Adysen was about 4 months old and had my blood drawn cause no matter what I did I was just not losing ANYTHING. All my blood work came back normal and the doctor just said that sometimes the older we get and the more babies you have your hormones are out of wack and could take up to a year for everything to fall back into place. I was immediatley like, "WHAT! I cannot wait a year!" So i kept trying, kept working out, and then around the holidays I was just like well I am still not losing weight or inches, I might as well enjoy all the goodies this year, so I totally slacked on exercising pr eating healthy.

So Adysen turned one in Janurary and I think I had just lost hope and gave up. I was really starting to feel depressed, still had nothing to wear, didnt want to do anything anymore cause i was totally just not feeling good or feeling like myself. I was afraid I was going to run into someone who was going to see me looking this hitious, just all those horrible feelings. I have always been the athletic type and it was and has been very hard on me.

By the time April came I just decided that it had been over a year since having Adysen and I
was just going to give it my all again, I was tired of feeling like this and started working out HARD again and back to my eating 6 small meals a day and by golly the doctor was right!! I have lost 6 pounds!!! I have 67 more pounds to go...isnt that just gross! I wont even tell you what my body fat percentage is, that will really make you vomitt. haha.

Thank you Brady for all your encouragement and advice! I know you say dont worry about the numbers on the scale, but I just had to share this! It is finally happening!!

Thank you to Jill as well! You have totally inspired me to run! I have never been a runner, but seeing all the runs that you have done for such great causes and seeing you out in the mornings running just has inspired me that much more!

Angelica! Thank you for being such a awesome work out partner!

Krystal! We need to start doing step again! lol


brady lady said...

congrats, 6 pounds is very impressive, keep at it and you'll lose your weight in no time.

keep up the good work!

Maddy said...

Congratulations!! I have to admit -- I am so ready to lose this baby weight and I haven't even HAD the baby yet. Now I'm freaked out it will never come off. I know I had some extra until I stopped nursing Sadie and then it disappeared when she weaned. I hope I'm so lucky this time.

Casey said...

Congrats Amber!! Keep up the hard will definitely pay off!

Danielle said...

I admire your dedication and detirmination you'll look great and the end the effort will pay off!!

The Tyler's said...

Oh I am so happy for you! I know how much you want this. I feel like after we get over that hump the wieght will start coming off easier. keep it up...and let me know when you want to start running with me!
It sucks getting older huh?

dragonflymommy said...

CONGRATS TO YOU MISSY!!!!! you go girl.wish i had half the drive you have to just get out and get some excercise, but you know me i dont. lol that sad i know. and you dont look like you have that much weight to lose. keep up the great work and in no time youll be looking in the mirror saying whos that sexy thing looking back at