Saturday, July 18, 2009

Exfuze Seven

We are offically Exfuze distributors! Michael and I are not big product pushing type people. Our motto has always been "Eat right and Excercise and your body will treat you right". So when we were introduced to this product we were very skeptical and were like," Okay whatever we will try it."
Let me tell you, this has been the biggest blessing for Michael and we are so thankful that our prayers have been answered. He has not had to take any type of pain killers, ibuprofen, etc for his hips, back or shoulders in 1 month! I cannot even begin to tell you what a change in my husband this has made. The last 3 years he has been dealing with this pain from injuries and we are so ever thankful for this juice!

My dad who has diabetes has been taking this juice for 6 weeks and his blood sugars which he has not been able to control in years went down this past doctors visit.

A friend of ours that has lupus, her pain has decreased subsantially, sleeps better at night, functions better during the day, feels less stressed, more energized.

I personally have been sleeping like a baby at night, dont feel like I need a nap at 3:00pm everday, feeling energized and great!

Another friend of ours has Arthritis and has noticed a huge difference in his pain level too.

This is just a couple examples out of about 20 people that we have gotten on this juice in the last month that love it!

We are so exited to be able to introduce this product to you if you have not heard about it.

Four Universities are doing studies on this and a BYU professor did 10,000 case studies on this and said, "Every Man, Woman, and Child should be taking this. We were exited to hear that!

So what's in Exfuze you ask? It contains the 7 superfoods (all natural)
1. Gac

2. Gogi

3. Noni

4. Acai

5. Seabuckthorn

6. Fucoiden

7. Mangostein

It also contains Aloe, blueberry, and pomegranite with a concord grape juice for flavoring.

Below is the website for this product. If you have any questions or would be interested in trying the product or becoming a distributor, please let Michael or I know.


dragonflymommy said...

glad to hear that it is working for people especially michael...