Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One is such a ONE-derful age!!!

Yes it is offical! We now have a one year old running around the house!
I know this is always said, but so true...they just grow way too fast!
I still cannot believe that she is already a year old!
Adysen has been such a sweet little blessing added into our lives! We could not imagine life without her. She is such a sweetheart and is so loving and already has such a caring personality!
It has definately been a life changing experience having three kids running around the house and not enough hands, but it has also been the best experience and we have learned so much from it.
Some of the new things that Adysen is doing at 1:
-She walks/runs around the house (since 11 months).
-Climbs onto everything.
-Takes her own diaper to the trash (she just started doing it on her own and we didnt even show her...too cute)
-LOVES playing with her baby dolls.
-Loves going for rides in her car.
-Her new words--Ontie (auntie), too-too (thank you), uh-uh (up-up)
-She nods her head for "yes" and does that yes laugh.
-Drinking whole milk out of her sippy cup.
-Turned face forward in her car seat.
Here are some pics of Adysen on her 1st birthday! We hope you enjoy her beautiful smile as much as we do!

Adysens Birthday Breakfast..Scrambled eggs and Bannanas!
(Her favorite)

Princess Bath!

Got her princess dress on!

(This is how she smiles when we say funny)

So pretty!

Adysen and her BFF Alexa...

Adysen's 1st birthday cake..Princess Tiara for our little Princess!

She just could not wait to dive into the cake!

She is just not sure if she wants to eat the cupcake or not...

Yummy, Yummy!

So exited to open her gifts!

My first car!

Having fun with some of her new toys!

Such a big girl! Finally I can see where we are going and not where we have been!



Janel said...

Thats crazy that she is 1!! Adorable! Happy birthday Adysen!

Casey said...

Oh she is so cute!! Happy Birthday Adysen!!!!

Amber said...

Okay, Can anyone tell me why my paragraphs are not seperating on my blog? They are before I publish them and then when I go to view my blog they are all smooshed together and it looks really bad....Help!

Maddy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She is seriously so so pretty and so so sweet!

brady lady said...

happy birthday adysen! here's a tip when posting a blog post there is a tab you can hit HTML and seperate the paragraphs that way, it works try it.

brady lady said...

so i forgot to mention, i love your bath tub, fit for a princess!

dragonflymommy said...

hey were are my 1 year bday pics of her and i never got cades either. i need updated one please. that is my next goal for the house to get a frame for there pics so i can get them hung up. love ya