Saturday, August 8, 2009

Such a sweetheart....

My little Caden is such a sweetheart! This is the conversation we had this morning.

M: Caden, what would you like Mommy to make for your birthday dinner?

C: Hmmm.. I dont know, let me think.

M: Okay, let me know. Mommy can make you something super special.

Five Minutes Later...

C: Mommy, I thought about what I wanted for dinner and I think I would like you to take the night off from cooking.

M: I would love to make a birthday dinner though for my little guy.

C: How about we go out to dinner that way you dont have to worry about cooking and you can relax.

M: Don't worry about that Caden. Mommy loves to cook for you guys.

C: I want rolled tacos for my birthday with brocomoli (guacamole).

M: Okay, mommy can make those. '

C: No, I want them from the place with the big taco on their sign.

M: Filibertos?

C: Yes, that is what I want and then you dont have to cook.
Not even two minutes later he came back and said, "I changed my mind...I want McDonalds".

My sweet little guy was so worried about me having to cook on his birthday and just wanted me to take a break. How cute is that! I just love him so much! I couldn't argue with the birthday boy! I am going to love not having to cook though, I do have to admit.


dragonflymommy said...

what a sweetheart. we just love that little guy. i would have to say rivas yum yum yummy...

The Tyler's said...

That is so stinkin cute! That Caden boy is such a sweetheart. I am really going to miss seeing you guys around the neighborhood.
That post of Addyson is so fun. She is really so smart! Ronan says like 5 words. Tell Caden we said Happy Birthday!

brady lady said...

what a sweet heart seriously that is such a good story

Maddy said...

I love it!!! McD's huh? My kids always want that for their birthday-at-school lunch.

Danielle said...

so thoughtful, that is so nice. keep it up and he will be the perfect boyfriend/husband one day

Pammy said...

He makes it easy...McDonald! Yum!