Saturday, May 2, 2009

Soooo Big!

My little lady is getting so big! We just love and adore her so much. Adysen is going to be 16 months old here in just a couple days and is growing like a weed. She is truley a ham! She makes us laugh so often with the little faces she makes or silly things she does.

I had to share this picutre. It makes me laugh. She loves to wear her Daddy's old Army issued glasses from back in the day. Michael was issued these in basic training and the soldiers call these BCG's (birth control glasses). I dont think I need to explain why they call them that, pretty self explanatory..haha. Michael and I joke around and say that we are going to pull these back out for her to wear when she is 16 and dating...hahaha.

New Words that Adysen says

-Mommy ( I am not longer
-Meek (milk)
-tanktu (she used to say tutu)
-Tanktu Mommy (she has started putting two words together)
-Stop (She learned that real fast with having two older brothers)

Some new things that Adysen is doing...

-Takes one 3 hour nap during the day (this is mommys favorite).
-Loves to swing on her swing on the playset out back.
-Climbs up on the bar stools in the house (mommy doesn't like this one at all)
-Loves to join in the wrestling match with daddy and brothers.
-Loves to play in the backyard with her boys.
-Loves to push her babies around in their stroller.
-Going through a hitting stage (yikes! not sure where she learned this one at)
-Loves when mommy reads to her.
-Totally a Grandmas girl (my poor mom doesnt get a break when we go to her house or she comes over here..adysen won't let her out of sight.
-Loves her playdates.

Having a little girl has been so much fun! The little dresses, hairbows, cute shoes, etc. Adysen has been so much fun to watch grow and learn new things. I do have to say that she is MUCH different than my boys were and it has been a whole new learing experience all over again. She is so much more sensative and needy than my boys were. We just love her though and could not imagine our lives without her!

Thank you for all that you have taught us about having a little girl. We love you Little Lady Bug!


The Tyler's said...

She is such a cutie pie! And so smart! I can't believe she is already putting words together. The pic of the BCG's is hillarius!

brady lady said...

dang 16 months already and she's talking so much that is so awesome, we are still trying to get alexis to talk! love the glasses!

Casey said...

Scott has/had a pair of those glasses too from when he was in basic training...I like your idea and I think I'll start looking for them for when Bailey wants to start dating (eek!).

dragonflymommy said...

i think she looks adorable in the glasses.. she probably picked up the hitting from her cousin. sorry bout that. working on that with him. she is growing so fast i remember when she was born and was a little butter ball. we love her so much. smooooches little one..

Maddy said...

She's ADORABLE! I love driving down the street and seeing her wave at me.

Amy F. said...

She is such a doll!! I have loved watching her grow up. So, for real, we are having a play date asap (once Dax isn't sick... again! arrrgg).
Dax loves kids so much. He seems to learn new things every time he is around other kids (so far, they have been good things ;).

Maddy said...

Hey -- hopefully you'll get this since I'm HORRIBLE at actually calling people!! We're going to do a street Girls Night Out next Thursday -- the 14th. Spread the word, it's just for the girls on our street!!!
